Chronic Illness Healing Binder
Regular price $49.00
There are many facets to pay attention to when healing chronic illness. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to try and keep track of it all.
With this binder, you will be able to eliminate your confusion and frustration and TAKE CONTROL of your health again!
If you have pain, brain fog, fatigue or any other debilitating autoimmune symptom, (like I did) then, as your healing journey goes on, you will have a hard time keeping track of all the results, notes, progress, food sensitivities, etc.
The Chronic Illness Healing Binder is an all-in-one tracker that allows you to keep all of your appointment paperwork, notes and progress in one beautiful place.
Even if you don't have a barrage of paperwork now (because you just got diagnosed), trust me, over time you will accumulate more and more.
Start Your Healing Journey Organized!
With over 50 pages, worksheets, charts, and records, you will have everything you need for a sure-fire way to gain control over all your documents, lab results, doctor instructions, family history, genetic testing and a whole lot more!
Pages Included:
- Medical Timeline Worksheet
- Stress Management Evaluation
- Medical Bill Tracker
- Medical Mileage Tracker
- Thyroid Lab Chart {with optimal ranges}
- 4 Week Water Tracker
- Food Journal Worksheet
- Milestones and Victories Page
- Food Sensitivities Tracker
- Genetic Testing Record
- Toiletries and Cosmetics Detox
- 4 uniquely designed binder covers to choose from
- 1 Labs Cover Sheet
- 4 different sized spines 1”, 1.5”, 2”, 3”
- Personal Info Page
- Family History Page
- 2 Symptoms Trackers {one for general symptoms and one for when you’re on an elimination diet}
- Treatments Tracker
- Medications Tracker
- Practitioner Contacts Page
- Diagnosis Tracker
- Lab Results Record
- Lab Results Journal
- Medication Log
- Hospitalization Record
- Surgery History
- Appointment Tracker
- Supplements Tracker
- Protocols Record
- Questions to Interview Your Potential Doctor Worksheet
- Questions to ask Your Practitioner Journal
- Time to Fire Your Doctor Evaluation
- Movement Tracker Chart
- Soul Care/Self Care Tracker
- Login Tracker
- Sleep Tracker
- Health Journal
- Dental Log
- Before and After Photo Pages
- Digital File Organization Tips Page
- Vacation Food Planner
- Grocery List & What to Make Worksheet {goes with Vacation Food Plan}
- Pharmacy Info Record
- Inspirational Quotes Page
- Resources Page
Instant download {nothing will be shipped}
Binder not included

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JB Well-Being, Inc., Feasting On Joy and FeastingOnJoy Oils are the legal owners of all copyrights on all printable products. Copyright does not transfer from JB Well-Being, Inc., Feasting On Joy and FeastingOnJoy Oils to (you) the buyer upon download. All rights are reserved for JB Well-Being, Inc., Feasting On Joy and FeastingOnJoy Oils as the sole creator/owner/designer of each printable product.
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